Create Custom Questions for a Screening Questionnaire

These steps show how to create custom screening questions.

To create your own customized questions:

  1. In the Question Type field, select one of the following types, and click Next.
    Question Type Description
    Single Line This type displays on the screen in a single text line.

    Question Example:

    • How long did you work for your previous employer?
    • What is your Security Clearance level, if any?

      There is a 255 character limit for answers typed in response to this question.

    Essay This type allows the job seeker to enter text in paragraph form.

    Question Example:

    • Briefly describe explain why you left your last position.
    • If you answered ‘Yes’ to question #4, please provide a short explanation.
    • Please describe your previous experience with any major retailers

      There is no character limit for answers typed in response to this question.

    Multiple Choice, Single Answer: This type displays a list of choices in the form of a single-select drop-down list field.

    This format is ideal for offering many answers but only allowing the user to select one.

    Question Example:

    • How many exhibits have you participated in so far?
    • How many years of experience do you have in Mechanical Engineering?
    • What is your level of experience with Microsoft Word?
    Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers This type display a list of choices in the form of a multi-select list box.

    Question Example:

    • Indicate which of the following programs you have expert status in.
    • Which locations would you consider relocating to?
    Radio Buttons This type displays answer options as radio buttons. This format is ideal for Yes/No and True/False type questions where the applicant can select only one answer.

    Question Example:

    • How many years have you been in your current position?
    Checkboxes This type displays answers as check boxes where the applicant can select all answers that apply.
  2. In the Question field, enter your question or instructions that you wish to convey
  3. Select the Mark as required check box as appropriate.

    Required fields are identified in red font.

  4. Click Submit.
  5. On the main Questionnaire Completion Form screen, enter the answers and values to the question you created.
    Question Type Description
    Single Line For this type, you can place a score to specific answers you are looking for.

    In the Match Type you can set one of the following:

    • Contains: This instructs the system to look for answers that contain the keywords you indicate.
    • Exactly Matches: This instructs the system to look for the exact match for the keywords you indicate.


    The position for this screening questionnaire requires security clearance. The answers we are looking for are assigned a score of 25. We will allow any of those four clearance types. If someone does not have security clearance, we have selected to screen them out, meaning they will fail this screening questionnaire regardless of their remaining answers because this position requires at least one of these clearance types.

    The Match Type chosen for this answer is Contains because the job seeker could type in something that might include the word None.

    If the job seeker enters a security clearance type that is not on the list or misspells it, the score given for that answer is zero.

    Essay For this type, if the question is such that you want the job seeker to describe their experience, then you do not need to enter an answer or score for the question.

    However, if you are looking for some specific keywords, you can enter those and give each a score. For instance, if you value a former employee of a competitor, you can enter the name or names of those companies.


    We are looking for job seekers that enter any of those names in the Value field. The Match Type is Contains because a job seeker might spell the name Pier1 instead of Pier 1 or Bombay Company instead of Bombay.

    If the system detects one or more of these keywords in the essay, it will add up the score for each value. If none are entered or the terms are misspelled, then the score given for that answer is zero.

    Multiple Choice, Single Answer: For this type, you can assign a score to specific answers you are looking for. The answers to select from are displayed in a single select drop-down list.


    we entered different levels of experience and assigned a score to each level. It is preferred that the job seeker is an expert in Microsoft Word, but the position does not require that so we will accept someone with at least intermediate experience.

    Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers For this type, you can assign a score to specific answers you are looking for. The answers to select from are displayed in a multi-select list field.


    We entered all the Microsoft Office applications the company uses. The job seeker can select as many as desired and the system will score each 25 points.

  6. Using options in the Actions column, Edit questions and change the position where the questions appear on the form by clicking Move Up, Move Down, or Delete.
  7. Enter additional possible answers and corresponding scores in the text fields at the bottom of your question.
  8. Click Edit to edit the answers. Click Delete to remove the answers.
  9. Click Add.

    After an applicant answers the questionnaire, Deltek Talent will compute the value of the answers and display them in the Score or Screening column on each page that displays a New Résumé/CV Submitted or Candidate listing. To view the applicant’s answers, click the score.